
Six Dynamic Tools for ADHD Women

Believe it or not, an ADHD diagnosis is not the end of the world. There are some available tools for ADHD women that can make your life so much better. I have a membership group. We talk about almost every topic under the sun in our group from mood swings to our...

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Mindfulness for ADHD Women

I admit it, I was a skeptic about  mindfulness for ADHD women. Well I was a skeptic about mindfulness in general. So like any good research nerd I set out to learn more. In one 2008 study 78% of participants who practiced mindful awareness reported a reduction in...

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Connection Heals: ADHD and PTSD

ADHD and PTSD together are showing up more and more in my work with the ADHD community. My entire business is based on creating connection, so obviously I want to learn how to better serve my clients, and educate people on the connection between the two diagnoses. So...

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8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Productivity Every Day

You're not going to believe this but - I have been incredibly productive lately. I have been writing a ton of posts, and researching my butt off. For a few weeks early in the year I was not sure why I was so inspired. I'm still not sure why such tiny little changes...

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My Struggle with Weight, Body Image and ADHD

Women with ADHD have a complicated relationship with food. Actually, most of the women I know have a complicated relationship with food. Sharing my story is part of my attempt to heal and be honest about my personal history. My Struggle With Weight, Body Image and...

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